Satin Dolls Chatbox

January 04, 2010

January 2010: Camilia do Brasil - Um, Dois, Tres!

Nostalgia at the then-abandoned rail station called Sri Subang KTM Depot....those were the cherished days of abandoned buildings around the Klang Valley which are getting lesser by the day.....


  1. Hey Frank! Happy 2010 to you! Who do you mean TASTY?? SHE or YOUR PIZZA TREAT?? LoLz!

    I bet ya this gal is another globetrotter........

  2. Nice composition & lighting.

  3. Thanxalot, Eric and John Ti!

  4. Thanxalot, Leng Keong! As a matter of fact, the venue of that shoot was my initial suggestion to the organizer.....

    Actually I am still in the midst of a VERY BUSY and HECTIC career schedule (related to my primary work as a music arranger/co-producer with a close friend for his client's annual dinner concert in March) and may not shoot SERIOUS portrait sessions until maybe after Chinese New Year or latest by early March....well then, let's keep our work going ya!

  5. Thanx a lot for your appreciation, Jesslyn!

  6. Eiii - Stanley with a CHEKI pulak?
