Satin Dolls Chatbox

April 27, 2009

Evon Y ONCE Pangsun Falls, Volume 1

April 26th, 2009 - where LOTSA BEES hovered around the upper falls (I had at least FOUR STINGS, worse still, I was wearing a yellow Brazilian soccer tee :P :P ) but still, the whole entourage shot away with gladness.....thanks again to Now Modeling - and to viewers out there, C & C is strongly appreciated ya! TQVVM


  1. Good angle and composition...
    Somehow, there's something wrong with the facial expression.... She should show a sexy smile or a bit of extra lighting on her face will help...

  2. Thanxalot, SL - yes I agree with u - relax, MORE to come ya!
    What more, there are 2 more albums involving Evon before yesterday's hike up at Pangsun falls - 2 days ago we shot her at Sungai Gabai, also in Ulu Langat, with Michelle C.

  3. Do you just shoot in available lights only? Any reflectors used?

  4. Actually, the shots were mostly upward flash with lambency diffusion, very few available lights shooting because the model's facial details could be eliminated at times, so I opted to try manual flash settings instead - however, the hours of the scorching sun were rather I still don't have a slave flash yet........hopefully soon
