Satin Dolls Chatbox

April 30, 2009

Informal Pole Dance Recce @ Schokolart Lounge, Soho, Mt. Kiara

He's only TWELVE! XD

24 April 2009: This was by invitation from my cousin who happens to be an event coordinator for some LIVE pole-dancing events....folks, I shall keep you updated from time to time ya!

April 27, 2009

Evon Y ONCE Pangsun Falls, Volume 2

Evon Y ONCE Pangsun Falls, Volume 1

April 26th, 2009 - where LOTSA BEES hovered around the upper falls (I had at least FOUR STINGS, worse still, I was wearing a yellow Brazilian soccer tee :P :P ) but still, the whole entourage shot away with gladness.....thanks again to Now Modeling - and to viewers out there, C & C is strongly appreciated ya! TQVVM